Superficial Catholicity: The Reformation as Schism with the Church’s Past

Although among modern-day Protestants the issues of unity, the Eucharist, and Baptism are not considered of primary importance, they were for the early church. As Robert Louis Wilken puts it, “The office of the bishop, baptism, and the Eucharist gave shape to [the early Christian] community.” These were essential features of the early church, and they continued to be so up until the time of the Reformation. The Reformers could array an impressive amount of quotes and support from the Fathers in regard to certain doctrines, however, when it came to these three crucial aspects of Christianity, they broke with the consensus of the Fathers and the history of the church to one degree or another. Though Martin Luther came closest to catholicity in his beliefs, in the end, he too denied the primary importance of the Eucharistic sacrifice and did not think visible unity and “peace with God’s priests” were necessary. That this charge of breaking with the church’s past could be true even if the Reformers had started their movements within the Eastern Orthodox Church (lacking all of Rome’s developments in doctrine), proves just how far they departed from the catholic faith.[

4 Things That Christians Can Do About Covid-19

There are many steps that we have been told to take in order to stem the spread of the coronavirus. Wash our hands, keep our distance, stay at home, etc. These are the natural things we can do and should. But as Christians, we have another duty, one that only we can fulfill in this... Continue Reading →

A Christmas Prayer

To my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, I don't know what it was that made You step down from glory and clothe Yourself in flesh, but I'm glad you did. I don't understand why You loved me, knowing who I would be and what sins I would commit, but I am glad You did and... Continue Reading →

May 23rd, 2009

When God, who set me apart from my mother's womb, and called me by His grace, was pleased to reveal His Son in me, that I may announce Him as glad tidings among the nations…(Galatians 1:15-16) When was that “day” for me? This day. On May 23rd, 2009 the Lord revealed His Son in me.... Continue Reading →

The Birth Of John Mark

Our room at the hospital was filled with the sound of screams and tears. Everytime Yakira would take a deep breath and push I would hold my breath as well. The atmosphere was intense. My wife had been in labor for 27 or so hours before she began to push. Two and half hours in... Continue Reading →

The Problem of Evil

People don't believe in God because they suppress the truth by their ungodliness and unrighteousness. Two big words, but both reflect the problem inherent in all humanity. Ungodliness means to simply be un-like-God. We were made in His image, good and pure. In our disobedience to Him, our sin, we wounded this image and fell... Continue Reading →

Pray Without Ceasing

What is the power of prayer? Many things go into prayer, the greatest ingredient is faith, but faith misplaced is also the biggest mistake. Our faith must be firmly in Jesus Christ, our desire to do His will. If our goal is to glorify Him and take delight in who He is, then our desires... Continue Reading →

The Incarnation

How little do we meditate on the deep things of God? The Incarnation is the truth that the Pre-Existing Son of God was made flesh, taking on the nature of humanity and "being found in the form of man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on the cross."... Continue Reading →

God is speaking, are you listening?

Preach the Word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. (2 Timothy 4:2) As I sat in the detainment unit, I was having a wrestling match within. Here I was again. Same airport. Same country. And yet it seemed like everything was against me getting... Continue Reading →

The Idolatry of Relationships

There is an idolatry among Christians today that is very subtle. It doesn't appear to be idolatry because it is cloaked in the language of love and friendship. It is the idolatry of relationships. The focus on relationships has replaced the centrality of Christ among his people. It began very innocently telling people they needed... Continue Reading →

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